Applications and Interviews

We provide bespoke applications and interview advice for a range of topics. We regularly help families with UK, US, and International Schools advice and mentor students applying to Ivy League Colleges in the US and to Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. Furthermore, we can help those currently in university with their career planning and prepare them for applications for internships and graduate jobs in strategy consulting and banking.

Applications and Interviews

We provide bespoke applications and interview advice for a range of topics. We regularly help families with UK, US, and International Schools advice and mentor students applying to Ivy League Colleges in the US and to Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. Furthermore, we can help those currently in university with their career planning and prepare them for applications for internships and graduate jobs in strategy consulting and banking.

Applications & Interviews with Wentworth Education

Wentworth Education has a tutor base that primarily hails from Oxford, Cambridge, and the Ivy League. Our Founder, Katherine Wiles, moved between the US and UK throughout her childhood and at University. Our applications team are in a unique position to help families considering moving between school systems or applying to university in either the United States or the United Kingdom. We have assisted pupils from the age of 6 through to 18 transition between schools in the US and schools in the UK (in both directions), students applying to US Colleges and/or UK Universities through UCAS, and University graduates seeking jobs after University.

In addition, we at Wentworth Education know how important the triad of CV, Interview, and Exams are in making any successful application at any stage. Our tutors are experts in their fields. Our Oxford and Cambridge tutors are the highest possible calibre: either as teachers at elite schools or as professional academics who have conducted real interviews. Our Ivy League consultants all have first-hand experience of the American system. Our schools admissions team include a professional consultants and professional teachers, as well as tutors who have attended elite American and British private schools. Finally, our strategy consultancy interviewers have all conducted real interviews and CV screening when they used to work in the industry.

If you would like to know more please select the most relevant section below or contact us.

Oxford and Cambridge Interviews

Oxford and Cambridge applications, while requiring excellent scores and CVs, are decided in the all-important interview. At Wentworth Education, we specialise in interview preparation in all subjects. We organise mock interviews with either experienced school teachers or Oxbridge academics... read more.

Ivy League / US College Consulting

Considering applying to the US can be daunting with the lengthy application, the CV requirements, and the examinations. We offer a Junior and Senior Year (lower and upper sixth) support service for students making these applications. We also help athletes applying; one of our tutors, Caitlin Rea, was recruited for Field Hockey, and we have dealt with sports ranging from Golf to Rowing... read more.

American (US) Schools Consulting

Many families move to the US every year or consider sending their children to an American school in the United Kingdom. We have experience with applications to a variety of schools and can help with ISEE and SSAT examinations. We also offer consultancy services explaining the differences between the UK and US schooling systems and offering a summer transition programme... read more.

UK Schools Consulting

Many of our tutors are graduates from some of the most elite institutions in the UK. We count a former Ofsted inspector along with teachers and school advisors among our tutors. Please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss primary and secondary schooling options... read more.

UK University & UCAS Applications

UCAS is the gateway to applying to all UK universities. It can seem bewildering, demonstrating the prerequisites to apply to each course, and the strategy of where to apply can be challenging. Wentworth Education can help you navigate this process, perfect your personal statement, and even prepare for interviews.... read more.

Medical School Applications

Medical School applications are without a doubt the most challenging undergraduate admissions process; Wentworth Education has several Doctors and Medical Students who can help guide you through the process of applying to Medicine in University... read more.

Strategy Consultancy

We at Wentworth Education know that applications do not stop at University. We have helped graduates to make successful applications to the top strategy houses including McKinsey, BCG, Bain, OC&C and Oliver Wyman... read more.

Investment Banking

Investment banking applications require a blend of CV skills, quantitative test success, and interview practice. We have tutors who worked and interviewed as investment bankers. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss how we can help.

If you have a special request please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.

Selected Applications & Interviews Testimonials

Please see below some example Applications & Interviews Testimonials that we have received. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor guarantee or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more Applications & Interviews Testimonials can be found on our dedicated testimonials page, where you can filter by subject.

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