Humanities Tutoring
An education is never complete without study of the humanities. We offer instruction in geography, history, philosophy, economics and art history. Please read below and contact us to discuss your needs.
Humanities Tutoring
An education is never complete without study of the humanities. We offer instruction in geography, history, philosophy, economics and art history. Please read below and contact us to discuss your needs.
Our Humanities Tutors
Our tutors here at Wentworth Education understand that to study the humanities well, you need both a microscope and a telescope; a microscope because you need to pay attention to the very smallest details (Why does this poem have 14 lines and not 15? Why did French Kings wear red high heels? Why did Nixon and Khrushchev end up publicly arguing about washing machines?); and a telescope, because you can’t forget the broader view – the large questions about humanity – in which both we and our subjects are enmeshed. Studying the humanities with a Wentworth Education tutor provides all that and more.
Humanities Tutoring At All Levels
We offer tutoring in all of the humanities at all levels and for all ability levels. Simply contact us for a consultation, or follow the links below to read more about what we offer.
If you have a special request please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs. We can connect you with specialists in any humanistic field, from American History to Philosophy.
Why Study Humanities?
Humanities are at the very core of a truly liberal education and have been for many centuries. Why? The humanities illuminate the human experience in all its varied ways: how we understand the past (history), how we deal with the puzzles and problems posed by existence (philosophy), how we narrate our stories (literature) and how we express ourselves through the visual arts and music. At Wentworth Education, our tutors are committed to sharing their passion for all branches of humanistic study – from history and philosophy to literature, from art to music.

We believe that studying the humanities is one of the most educationally challenging, rewarding and frankly useful things one can ever do. It is deeply challenging because there are no easy answers: in fact, there are far more shades of grey than black and white. In Douglas Adams’ comic The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is 42! If only it were that simple. Humanistic subjects constantly open up discussion rather than shutting it down. They force students to engage with difference and diversity. Our tutors are adept at getting students embroiled in deep discussions, enabling them to lose their fears of having and expressing opinions, their disinclination for disagreement and debate. Our tutors seek to make students ask pertinent questions, provide reasoned answers and engage in reasonable debate.
Studying the humanities is also an immensely rewarding experience. We are constantly being invited to think broadly and openly about everything human, and to exercise that thinking muscle critically, creatively and contextually. We are always asking for reasons and analysing consequences. In our classes, we have the intellectual luxury of poring over an ancient marble statue, a medieval epic poem, a Beethoven symphony, or the Declaration of Independence and giving these products of human culture – even genius – the attention they deserve.
But studying the humanities itself isn’t a luxury. It is supremely useful in a number of ways. Without the humanities, we can have no genuine understanding of our contemporary world. We wouldn’t know what makes particular societies and cultures tick. Our knowledge would merely skim the surface of current affairs. Studying humanistic subjects rectifies this, puts our world in context, gives us a clearer vision. Moreover, the humanities are an ideal training ground for developing the skills of critical reading, writing and analysis. These are skills of life-long value. Students will learn to communicate their ideas in clear, cogent and coherent writing.
Selected Humanities Testimonials
Please see below some example Humanities Testimonials that we have received. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor guarantee or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more Humanities Testimonials can be found on our dedicated testimonials page, where you can filter by subject.
Selected Profiles of our Humanities Tutors
Please see below some example profiles of the Humanities Tutors that we represent. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor selection criteria or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more profiles of our Humanities Tutors can be found on our dedicated tutors page, where you can filter by subject.