11+ Tutoring
The 11+ is continuously evolving and at Wentworth we pride ourselves on staying completely on top of all the changing facets of this sometimes daunting exam. Away from a classroom environment, our tutors are able to really examine their pupils unique set of strengths and weaknesses. This allows their work together to be much more streamlined and ensure that candidates build confidence quickly.
11+ Tutoring
The 11+ is continuously evolving and at Wentworth we pride ourselves on staying completely on top of all the changing facets of this sometimes daunting exam. Away from a classroom environment, our tutors are able to really examine their pupils unique set of strengths and weaknesses. This allows their work together to be much more streamlined and ensure that candidates build confidence quickly.
11+ Tutoring
The cornerstone of English secondary school entrance tests, the 11+ remains as challenging today as when it was first instituted in 1944. Although it has been around for a very long time, the 11+ is continuously evolving and at Wentworth Education we pride ourselves on staying completely on top of all the changing facets of this sometimes daunting exam.
The 11+ is offered by two very different providers, GL and CEM, and our tutors are experts in the differences between these systems and the best tactics for conquering them. Both versions of the 11+ test candidates across Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. As such, Wentworth Education can provide students with specialised tuition in individual aspects of the 11+ that need improving or give holistic supervision across all components of the exam. For this all-round teaching we select our most accomplished tutors, often individuals with academic and professional backgrounds that bridge the divide between the humanities and sciences.
The single most important step in approaching the 11+ is to identify a student’s areas of weakness before intensive practice begins. Away from a classroom environment, our tutors are able to really examine their pupils’ unique set of strengths and weaknesses. This allows their work together to be much more streamlined and ensure that candidates build confidence quickly.
Past papers and online resources are invaluable for giving students enough practice in the run-up to the 11+. However, many of the clients that approach us to assist with exam preparation note how a simple numerical score leaves students in the dark about where they are going wrong and how they can improve. This is particularly problematic in the Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning sections of the 11+ where students are unable to refer to any prior curriculum standard, with which to compare themselves. These are precisely the challenges that our tutors specialise in. In-depth marking and feedback is always accompanied by encouragement and enthusiasm. It is highly important to us that we are able to ease any anxiety a student might have about the exam process.
By the time the examination day arrives students should always feel confident and even excited about the opportunity to demonstrate how well-rounded and capable they really are. At Wentworth Education we are experts at getting them there.
Selected 11+ Testimonials
Please see below some example 11+ Testimonials that we have received. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor guarantee or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more 11+ Testimonials can be found on our dedicated testimonials page, where you can filter by subject.
Selected Profiles of our 11+ Tutors
Please see below some example profiles of the 11+ Tutors that we represent. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor selection criteria or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more profiles of our 11+ Tutors can be found on our dedicated tutors page, where you can filter by subject.