13+ Common Entrance Tutoring
At Wentworth we have helped countless students master the 13+ Common Entrance and go on to gain entrance to their first choice school. We offer specialist subject tutors in each paper at 13+ as well as generalist maths, English, and science tuition.
13+ Common Entrance Tutoring
At Wentworth we have helped countless students master the 13+ Common Entrance and go on to gain entrance to their first choice school. We offer specialist subject tutors in each paper at 13+ as well as generalist maths, English, and science tuition.
13+ Common Entrance
The 13+ exams are, for most schoolchildren, the first taste of truly multi-disciplinary examinations. Alongside compulsory papers in Maths, English and Science, candidates can be assessed on French, German, Spanish, Latin, Ancient Greek, History, Religious Studies and Geography. This breadth of testing, combined with the high stakes atmosphere of the secondary school admissions process can be very intimidating for students who already have plenty to be dealing with at school. At Wentworth Education all of our tutors understand that these pressures can be very new for 13+ candidates but we have seen hundreds of students master them and go on to become experts at exams. It is this experience of helping young people develop their exam techniques and the knowledge required to succeed that makes us so invaluable to so many clients across the world.
We offer specialist subject tutors in each paper at 13+. These tutors are selected for their sheer weight of academic credentials and all have significant teaching experience. We have heads of department from top English schools, University lecturers and researchers, and graduates from Oxford, Cambridge and the Ivy Leagues, all on-hand to help students get to grips with the new material they will encounter on these exams.
As well as individual subject tuition we are able to provide true all-round 13+ coaching from our most qualified teachers. These individuals have top academic records, of course, but are beyond that, serious experts at tutoring the common entrance exams and guiding candidates through every aspect of the process.
Selected 13+ Common Entrance Testimonials
Please see below some example 13+ Common Entrance Testimonials that we have received. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor guarantee or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more 13+ Common Entrance Testimonials can be found on our dedicated testimonials page, where you can filter by subject.
Selected Profiles of our 13+ Common Entrance Tutors
Please see below some example profiles of the 13+ Common Entrance Tutors that we represent. If you would like to hear more, you may be interested to read about our tutor selection criteria or to read about Wentworth Tutors' philosophy and approach in a letter to parents from Dr Katherine Wiles, our Founder. Alternatively, some more profiles of our 13+ Common Entrance Tutors can be found on our dedicated tutors page, where you can filter by subject.